Thursday 18 October 2018

Task 2

Feature Film
The sole purpose of a feature film is to entertain an audience. However, animations could inform and educate. An example would be product placement in a film so that if you displayed a branded product in the background of a scene it will still be making the audience aware of that product. Films could maybe teach an audience a thing or two depending on the context behind the scene and the narrative of the film. An example of this would be the horror film Carrie in 1976 which tries to teach the audience the backlash of bullying. Although the message is there the films conveys it with extreme measures to still make it entertaining.
As for target audience that can vary depending on the genre of the film. For example, Disney movies are primarily aimed towards young children however a secondary audience would be the parents. Whereas Horror movies are aimed towards Teenagers and adults because of the potential gore.
Image result for carrieImage result for disney
Music videos
Similarly, to Feature films, music videos are made to entertain. As well as this they have the potential to be educational if it matches the purpose of the song. Entertaining music videos may also include product placement but it may not be at the same scale as a feature film. An example of this would be the Greyhound music video by Swedish House Mafia which gained controversy as the main focus of the ad was a bottle of Absolut Vodka which gained a lot of negative responses as people would say that it was more of an advertisement rather than a music video.
The target audiences for music videos are made available for mostly everyone with a few exceptions. For example, a recent music video ‘Ilove it’ by Lil Pump features many subliminal sexual messages so it may not be appropriate for children.
Image result for lil pumpImage result for swedish house mafia
Computer Games
Video games provide a lot of entertainment to people of all ages. They are immersive as it actually involves the audience and for most games the way the user plays can affect the narrative. Video games could also educate with games such as brain trainer on the Nintendo DS which was a series of puzzles which when played would guess your mental age. The puzzles would range from literature to Sudoku.
As for the target audience, it varies depending on a narrative and gameplay features. Games like Little Big Planet may aim to appeal to children aged 7 and above where as the Call of Duty franchise is primarily aimed towards people aged 18 and above due to the gun combat and graphic nature of the games.
Image result for brain gameImage result for call of duty

1 comment:

  1. Luke
    I have not seen much stop motion in Black Ops. Use something like Little Big Planet for the example the movement of character is based on SM. Some greater discussion of examples needed. Feature films what kind of puppets/models are used by animators? Use BBFC to get audience profiles. Do you like them do you think they work or are successful?
